
Course Prerequisite

Grade 9 English, Academic or Applied or De-streamed


This course is designed to extend the range of oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that students need for success in their secondary school academic programs and in their daily lives. Students will analyze literary texts from contemporary and historical periods, interpret and evaluate informational and graphic texts, and create oral, written, and media texts in various forms. An important focus will be on the selective use of strategies that contribute to effective communication. This course is intended to prepare students for the compulsory Grade 11 university or college preparation course  

Course Info

Course Outline & Units

Unit Order

Unit Name

Suggested Time

Unit 1


Students will read a wide variety of poems and look at the techniques that poets use including poetic devices such as metaphor, verbs, similes, apostrophes, stanza length, powerful language, and how poets engage the readers’ senses. Students will write their own poems, they will hear poems read, and they will gain awareness of what makes effective delivery. Students will complete three polished writing assignments in this unit, search for inspiring poetry performances online, and make a video of their own spoken poetry.  

27 hours
Unit 2


In this unit students will read Shakespeare’s Othello, exploring the eternally relevant themes of militarism, personal conflict, ambition, and pride. Assignments include one that deals with imagery in the play, a speaking assignment giving advice to the characters, an assignment about irony, and a unit culminating essay.  

23 hours
Unit 3

Animal Farm:  

Students will read the story and complete the assigned work. 

23 hours
Unit 4

Media Studies:  

Students will read multiple articles and watch videos. In doing so, they will explore themes such as gender inequality, racism, local history, and maturation.  Students will also produce several pieces of writing, one of which is a formal essay in which they will provide quotations from the text, properly cited in the body of the essay as well as at the end in a Works Cited page.  

27 hours
Final Evaluation 30%

Final Project  

Final Exam  

8 hours

2 hours

Total 110 hours
Learning Strategies

A wide variety of instructional strategies are used to provide learning opportunities to accommodate a variety of learning styles, interests and ability levels. These strategies include, but are not limited to:  

  • Oral Presentation  
  • Activity Learning Centers   
  • Discussion  
  • Think Pair Share  
  • Lecture   
  • Socratic Lesson  
  • Visual Stimuli  
  • Worksheet  
  • Independent Study  
  • Note Making  
  • Inquiry Process   
  • Research Process 
  • Scientific Method  
  • Computer Assisted Instruction  
  • Media Presentation  
  • Brainstorming  
Course FAQ
The course duration is 110 hours, delivered in an online school format.   
Grade 9 English, Academic or Applied or De-streamed (2023-ENL1W)
The course fee is based on the selected option of Online Instructor-Class Credit For detailed information and pricing, please check our website.
Assessment & Resources


The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student learning. Assessment relates directly to the expectations for the course.  

A variety of assessments for and as learning are conducted on a regular basis to allow ample opportunities for students to improve and ultimately demonstrate their full range of learning and for the teacher to gather information to provide feedback. Assessment tasks relate to the success criteria set out in lesson plans. Success criteria allow students to see what quality looks like.  

Evaluation is the process of judging the quality of student work in relation to the achievement chart categories and criteria and assigning a percentage grade to represent that quality. Evaluation is based on gathering evidence of student achievement through:  

  • Products 
  • Observations 
  • Conversations 

Assessment for Learning – we provide feedback and coaching. Assessment FOR Learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence

for the use of learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go, and how best to go there.  

Assessment as Learning – we help students monitor progress, set goals, reflect on their learning  

Assessment AS Learning is the process of the explicit fostering of students’ capacity over time to be their own best assessors, but teachers need to start by presenting and modeling external, structured opportunities for students to assess themselves.  

Assessment of Learning – we use assessments to provide evaluative statements about student achievement. Assessment OF Learning is the assessment that becomes public and results in statements of symbols  

(marks/grades/levels of achievement) about how well students are learning. It often contributes to pivotal decisions that will affect students’ future.  


Assessment and Evaluation Strategies  

   Units   Duration    Overall Expectations   AFL   AAL   AOL    K  








  70%   A   30 hours A1-A3   Student-Teacher Conferencing    Peer Assessment   Poster Presentation    √   √   √   √  
B   25  hours B1-B4   Worksheet   

Class Discussion   

KWL Chart   Unit Test   

Class Discussion   

√   √   √   √  
C   25  hours C1-C4   Worksheet   

Pair Discussion   

Learning Log      

Unit Test   

Written Assignment   

√   √   √   √  
D   30  hours D1-D4   Homework  

Student – Teacher Conferencing  

Reflective Discussion   Unit Test  

Portfolio Assignment  

√   √   √   √  
30%         A1-D4   Final Evaluation 30%       











Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools (2010) 


Animal Farm    

Canadian Encyclopedia of Poetry    


Moodle Website    

Dictionaries, Thesaurus etc.    

Various Daily Newspapers, Magazines, and Periodicals   





Course Final Grade & Report Card


  • The final grade is based on performance in 3 areas: products, observations, conversations. 
  • 70% of the grade is based on evaluations conducted throughout the course. 
  • 30% is based on a final evaluation.

Weighting of categories 

Knowledge/Understanding  Thinking/Inquiry  Communication  Application 
25%  25%  25%  25% 
Play Video

Course Grade

Grade 10

Course Code


Course Category


Course Type


Course Delivery


Course Duration


Course Credit

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